

Final i-Walk workshop

The final i-Walk project Workshop was held with success on Monday 13/12/2021 online via the Webex platform. The workshop included presentations with the i-Walk project results and conclusions from members of the project’s teams as well as presentations from external invited researchers. A panel discussion was also organized which discussed all possible future directions of the i-Walk project and exploitation of its results.


i-Walk workshop, Athena Research Center

The i-Walk workshop was held with success on Wednesday 26/02/2020 at the Athena Research and Innovation Center premises. The workshop included presentations with the i-Walk results and its future directions from members of the project’s teams as well as presentations from external invited researchers.


i-Walk workshop, Athena Research Center


The workshop will start at 9:30 and will last till 15:30. 

Ιnvited Speakers:

     -   Prof. Dr. Rosalee Wolfe,  DePaul University, Chicago, USA: "Exploiting signing avatar technology in advanced HCI"
     -  Aikaterini Papadimitriou, University of Thessaly: "Sign Language Recognition"

The event is open to participants. 

Keynote Speech at AIC 2019

ILSP/Athena RC gave a key-note speech to Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Conference 2019, 23-25 May 2019, Vienna, Austria:
Speaker: Eleni Efthimiou
Title: Increasing user acceptance by augmented robot intelligence: the lesson we got from the semantics of human communication




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